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Akbar Joojeh Recipe, Different taste of chicken
Akbar joojeh is a familiar name for travelers who have traveled to the north of Iran, but is Akbar joojeh the name of a food or a restaurant?
In answer to this question, it should be said that Akbar joojeh is the name of the food, the name of the cook and the restaurant.
The story of the creation of Akbar joojeh is as follows: a young man with a thin body named “Ali Akbar Kalbadinejad” with his wife set up a coffee house in a rented place in Galugah, which was next to the intercity road.
In order to earn income in this coffee house with minimal facilities, they were busy cooking breakfast and midway food, which included tea, local cheese, sheep’s butter, eggs, omelets and delicious breads known as Kombe.
In 1323 AH, 1945 AD, akbar joojeh restaurant was opened on the old road of Galugah city (east of Mazandaran province). The work of this restaurant quickly flourished, and Ali Akbar Kalbadinejad, with the cooperation of his brothers gradually set up branches in different parts of Mazandaran and Golestan. Let’s learn how to cook this amazingly delicious cuisine together on Cookery Magazine.
Akbar joojeh Ingredients
little chicken | 1 piece |
Brewed saffron | A quarter of a cup |
Butter | 100 G |
an onion | 1 piece |
garlic | 4 cloves |
Lemon juice | half a glass |
Pomegranate paste | half a glass |
Salt and black pepper | As needed |
Liquid oil | 1 glass |
How to make Akbar joojeh
first step:
To prepare the delicious Akbar joojeh, first wash the chicken, then divide it into two equal parts and place it in a large and spacious bowl. Note that to prepare Akbar joojeh, we should not remove the skin from the chicken under any circumstances.

The important thing about Akbar joojeh is that in Akbar joojeh restaurants, very small chickens, and if you want your Akbar joojeh to be like a restaurant, be sure to use at least small chickens.
The second step:
Cut the onion into rings and add it to the bowl containing the chicken. Next, chop the garlic and add it to the bowl. Next, brew lemon juice with saffron, add salt and black pepper to the bowl, and mix the ingredients well.
We massage the flavoring ingredients with our hands on all parts of the chicken meat so that the chicken meat is well flavored. After that, we cover the bowl with cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours to make the chicken meat flavorful.
The third step:
Our advice is that whenever you want to make Akbar joojeh , make sure to season the chicken meat the night before. Flavoring chicken meat is one of the most important reasons that make your Akbar joojeh tastier and more delicious.
After the chicken is flavored, take it out of the refrigerator. Next, we put a suitable pot on the heat and added liquid oil. The heat under the pot should be medium so that, in addition to not burning the oil, the chicken meat is cooked.
The fourth step:
We put the pieces of chicken meat in hot oil, and after the two sides of the chicken pieces are golden and the center of the chicken is cooked very well, we take it out of the pot. Then, we should fry the chicken meat in butter for about 5 minutes to make it more delicious.
Of course, to spend less time, we can add butter to the pot containing oil so that the chickens are fried in a mixture of butter and oil. Add some salt and black pepper after the butter has been added to the chicken meat.
The fifth or the last step:
At this stage, after the chickens are completely fried and golden, we put them in a metal net to remove their excess oil. Finally, we put the chickens in the desired dish and serve it with saffron sauce and sour pomegranate paste. you may serve it along with Persian rice.

In the end, it can be concluded that whenever you have an Iranian or Asian guest, one of the original dishes on your colorful tables could be this Iranian food.
And finally, I would like to thank those who took the time to read this article. It is hoped that among the delicious foods of different societies, Iranian food is gaining more and more fans daily.